Market Place Progress

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Kindeng is a small community tucked away in the remote Western Highlands province in Papua New Guinea. It's home to some of the best coffee in the world and one of the go-to beans we use in our famous House Roast.  One of the goals of the Coffee Culture Charitable Foundation was to find a meaningful way to help the people who supply our beans, and after lots of discussion with the locals, it was decided that the building of a trading facility was a much-needed and wanted solution.

Trade is a big part of the community and for years the marketplace existed as a collection of tarpaulin shelters. Poor weather made trade a near impossibility so it came as no surprise that the locals were all for a better option.

Early on in the project our team on the ground, SMS established contact with local landowners and community representatives to ensure local support for the project. This is a very important step that was essential in a country where land ownership and tribal claims over land is a common denominator in many land disputes. By engaging the local community from the early stages of the of the project we have gained fantastic support and a sense of ownership.

After getting around the challenges involved with building in such a remote location, horrendous road conditions and the logistical challenges we’re thrilled to see that the facility is now complete.